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Project Monotricat®: Monotricat hull in Towing Tank

Posted On February 5, 2017 at 12:02 pm by / No Comments

Test in Towing Tank of Trieste University – Department of Naval Engineering.

MONOTRICAT®MONOTRICAT® is the first displacement naval hull navigating at speeds of planing hulls (*) on SPRAY SELF-PRODUCTS at high hydrodynamic efficiency and energy saving (*the resistance curve is a straight line).

MONOTRICAT® is an innovative architecture of naval hull high hydrodynamic efficiency and energy saving, patented in Italy and internationally, studied at the University of Trieste (Italy) – Dep. Naval Engineering, and at I.N.S.E.A.N. C.N.R. – Institute for Research in Engineering Naval and Maritime of the National Research Council – Institute of Towing Tank of Rome, and at the KTH Royal Insitute of Technology of Stockholm (Sweden), and optimized in C.F.D. at a italian research center connected with University of Genoa (Italy).

Source: Youtube channel Tommaso De Luca.

Test in Towing Tank of Trieste University – Department of Naval Engineering; tests and videos edited by Prof. Igor Zotti.

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